Practical Info | Getting around Paris during the Olympic Games Paris 2024

Se déplacer dans Paris pendant les JO Paris 2024

Practical Info | Getting around Paris during the Olympic Games Paris 2024

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games are shaping up to be a spectacular event! Attracting millions of visitors from all over the world, the organization of these Olympics requires the city of Paris to put in place rules concerning travel around the Olympic zones during this period. Here’s some practical information for getting around Paris during the Paris 2024 Olympics.


Public transport: Getting around freely


Metro and RER: The Paris metro network, reinforced for the occasion, will be the most efficient way to get around quickly. Lines 1, 4, 9 and 14, as well as RER lines A and B, will be particularly busy. Extended timetables are planned for certain late events, with continuous service on some lines on the nights of the big finals. Keep up to date with Paris Metro traffic here. And for more information on public transport during the Olympic Games: Official website on public transport impacts here.

Streetcars and buses: The T3 and T7 streetcar lines will be particularly useful for accessing Olympic venues on the outskirts of Paris. The bus network will also be reorganized to serve key areas and avoid congestion.

Anticipate your journeys by checking the traffic situation during the Olympic Games here.


Soft mobility: bikes, scooters, pedestrians…


Bicycles and scooters: Paris will be providing numerous additional Vélib’ stations, as well as parking areas for electric scooters. These soft means of transport are an excellent choice for avoiding the crowds and enjoying the city while getting around quickly.

Walking: With several Olympic venues in close proximity to each other, walking may be the best option for some journeys. What’s more, specially marked pedestrian routes will be set up to make it easier for visitors to get around.

Shared transport : More economical, more eco-friendly

Carpooling: Carpooling platforms will offer practical solutions for long-distance journeys, especially for spectators from neighboring towns. Park-and-ride facilities will be set up on the outskirts of Paris to encourage the use of this mode of transport.

Cabs and VTC: Taxi and VTC services will be reinforced. It is advisable to book in advance, especially on days when major events are taking place!


QR Codes: For whom, for what, how?


From July 18 to 26, 2024, Paris will set up strict security perimeters around the Olympic Games venues. To access these zones, a digital pass called a “Pass Jeux“, in the form of a QR code, will be required for certain categories of users. This pass can be obtained from the official website of the Préfecture de Police de Paris here.


The Pass Jeux – or QR code – is compulsory to enter the red perimeters around the competition venues by motorized vehicle, activated 2.5 hours before and lifted 1 hour after the sports sessions. It is also required for access to the gray perimeters of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony to be held on July 26, 2024, regardless of mode of travel. Opening ceremony spectators, however, can use their ticket as a pass.

Blue perimeters remain accessible with proof of legitimate reason (home, work, etc.). To obtain the Pass JeuxQR code – you need to submit the necessary documents on the dedicated platform. Processing times can be long, so it’s best to plan ahead.

Finally, in emergencies, the police may allow access without a QR code in exceptional situations.


Our recommendations for a more peaceful stay in Paris


During the summer period, and in particular during the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we strongly advise you to anticipate your travels and activities!

Anticipate: Plan your journeys in advance and consult transport apps in real time to avoid surprises.
Flexibility: Be ready to adapt your plans according to traffic conditions and events.
Ticketing: For certain means of transport, such as special shuttles to Olympic sites, you’ll need to book in advance.


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